University Policies

These policies apply for degree and non-degree seeking students for the degree programs at Chi University (CHI).

Academic Policies

Grading Policies

Final grades are reported at the completion of each grading period. At the conclusion of each semester Chi University reports final grades to each student. The following grading system is used, and final grades are calculated from the percentages earned in each course in accordance with the list below.

  • A | 90 - 100% | 4.0 GPA | Outstanding
  • B+ | 86 - 89% | 3.5 GPA | Very Good
  • B | 80 - 85% | 3.0 GPA | Very Good
  • C+ | 76 - 79% | 2.5 GPA | Satisfactory
  • C | 70 - 75% | 2.0 GPA | Satisfactory
  • D+ | 66 - 69% | 1.5 GPA | Deficient
  • D | 60 - 65% | 1.0 GPA | Deficient
  • F | 0 - 59% | 0 GPA | Failure

In addition, other grades, all not included in the GPA, may be assigned to describe circumstances that the above grades do not account for:

  • I | Incomplete
  • W | Withdraw after Drop/Add Period but before 50% or more of the course has elapsed | Withdraw requests will not be accepted after 50% (eight weeks) or more of a course has elapsed
  • TC | Transfer Credits | Accepted for Credit
  • AU | Audit Class
  • R | Repeat Course


Specific online exams are proctored by Proctorio, an automated online service. Proctorio also validates students’ identities throughout enrollment. Students are directed to complete the exam from the LMS portal.

Credit Hours

Chi University awards credit on a semester credit hour system. A semester credit hour is equivalent to approximately no less than 15 class hours of lecture or direct faculty instruction with appropriate out- of-class study and preparation; 30 hours of lab with appropriate out-of-class study; or a minimum of 45 hours of practice. Appropriate out-of-class study and preparation is generally defined as a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work for each hour of lecture or direct faculty instruction each week for sixteen weeks.

Transferability of Credits

The transferability of credits earned at the school is at the complete discretion of a school to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree you earn is also at the complete discretion of the school to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits and/or certificate you earn at Chi University are not accepted by the school to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that school. For this reason, you should make certain that your attendance at this school will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting a school to which you may seek to transfer before attending to determine if your credits/certificate will transfer. Students can transfer up to 56% of MS-TCVM, 74% of MSIVM-Canine, 58% of MSIVM-Equine, and 15% of DIVM programs through a combination of credits earned at outside institutions, credit earned through non-degree seeking (NDS) status, or experiential learning credit. Transfer credits are not accepted for the Graduate Certificate program. Students requesting transfer credits to be evaluated from an outside institution must submit a Request for Transfer Credit Approval form to the Admissions Office prior to the start of the first semester. Transfer credits will be evaluated upon the receipt of official transcripts, and only transfer credit evaluations performed by Chi University and approved by the Provost are final. Students will be notified of the credits accepted for transfer prior to the end of their first semester. A student may receive transfer credits, provided:

  • The student earned a “B” or higher in the course from an accredited institution, within the past 5 years.
  • The course is determined equivalent in both content and degree level to a required Chi course within the student’s program of study.
  • The total of all credits awarded for transfer/NDS is not more than the percentages listed above (56% of MS-TCVM, 74% of MSIVM-Canine, 58% of MSIVM-Equine, and 15% of DIVM programs) A student may appeal the credits accepted for transfer through the grievance procedure.


There are 3 semesters each year: Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Academic Calendar

The following is the academic calendar for 2025:

Spring 2025:

• Course Registration Begins: 11/15/24

• New Student Enrollment Deadline: 12/16/24

• First Day of Class: 12/30/24

• Drop/Add Period Begins: 12/30/24

• Drop/Add Period Ends: 1/05/25

• Course Registration Closes (Tuition Due): 1/05/25

• Removal of “I” from Previous Semester Deadline: 2/09/25

• Last Day to Withdraw without Refund (grade of WP): 2/23/25

• Last Day of Classes: 4/13/25

Summer 2025:

• Course Registration Begins: 3/14/25

• New Student Enrollment Deadline: 4/14/25

• First Day of Class: 4/28/25

• Drop/Add Period Begins: 4/28/25

• Drop/Add Period Ends: 5/04/25

• Late Registration Period Ends: 5/04/25

• Removal of “I” from Previous Semester Deadline: 6/8/25

• Last Day to Withdraw No Refund (grade of WP): 6/22/25

• Last Day of Classes: 8/10/25

Fall 2025:

• Course Registration Begins: 7/11/25

• New Student Enrollment Deadline: 8/11/25

• First Day of Class: 8/25/25

• Drop/Add Period Begins: 8/25/25

• Drop/Add Period Ends: 8/31/25

• Late Registration Period Ends: 8/31/25

• Removal of “I” from Previous Semester Deadline: 10/05/25

• Last Day to Withdraw No Refund (grade of WP): 10/19/25

• Last Day of Classes: 12/07/25

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) ensures that students are progressing through their program of study both academically and in a timely manner. In order to be considered to be making satisfactory progress toward a degree or certificate, a student must achieve a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a 67% completion rate.

To determine satisfactory progress, a student’s cumulative grade point average and completion rate will be evaluated at the end every semester after grades are posted, approximately 10 days after the end of the semester. The completion rate is determined by dividing the number of credits earned by the number of credits attempted. To satisfy SAP requirements, the MS-TCVM program is to be completed within a 5 year time frame, not to exceed 1.5 times the program length (7.5 years). The Graduate Certified Veterinary Acupuncture Certificate program is to be completed within 1 year, not to exceed 1.5 years. Students are expected to complete the requirements for their program in the scheduled time frame, but in no case may the credits attempted exceed 1.5 times the credits required to complete the program.

At the end of each semester if the student has less than a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and/or has not earned at least 67% of the credits attempted (required to complete the program within 150% of the program length), he or she will be notified and placed on Academic Warning for the next semester. If a student fails to achieve satisfactory progress by the end of the semester in which they are on Academic Warning, the student will be withdrawn from the program (unless the student files and is granted an appeal as defined below). If the student regains SAP by the end of the semester, they will be removed from Academic Warning. All periods of enrollment count toward Satisfactory Academic Progress, including periods when a student does not receive financial aid.

Re-establishing SAP after Academic Warning

If a student fails to achieve satisfactory progress by the end of the semester in which they are on Academic Warning, the student will be withdrawn from the program (unless the student files and is granted an appeal as defined below). If the student regains SAP by the end of the semester, they will be removed from Academic Warning.

SAP Appeals, Probation, and Academic Plans

A student may appeal the determination of withdrawal due to failure to re-establish satisfactory progress by the end of the warning period to the Provost based upon extenuating circumstances. These might include the death of a relative, an illness of or injury to the student or other extraordinary situations. The student’s appeal must be received on or before the first Wednesday of the first week of the new semester for the student to be eligible to register for the following semester.

The appeal must contain:

  • An explanation of why the student failed to meet the SAP standards
  • A description of what has changed in the student’s situation that will enable him or her to again meet the satisfactory progress standards
  • Supporting documentation if possible

The Provost will review the information submitted in the context of the student’s entire academic record, and notify the student of his or her decision within 24 hours. This decision is final. If the appeal is granted, then the student will be placed on Probation for the semester, and the Provost's notice to the student will outline the requirements of the Academic Plan the student must follow in addition to regaining SAP.

Re-establishing SAP after Probation

A student who is placed on Probation and re-establishes SAP and has met the terms of the Academic Plan at the end of the Probation period will be removed from Probation. In all subsequent semesters the student must again meet the SAP standards or the terms of the academic plan.

If the student fails to meet the terms of the academic plan at the end of the Probationary semester, the student will be terminated. Second appeals in this situation will only be granted at the discretion of the Director, and based upon very exceptional circumstances.

Effect on SAP for Repeated Courses

The higher of the two grades earned for a repeated course will be used in calculating the CGPA. The credits attempted for both courses are included in the calculation of the completion rate.

If a student is re-admitted into the program, the credits and grades that are applicable to the student's current program of study will be included in the CGPA and in credits attempted for determining the student’s satisfactory academic progress.

Effect on SAP for Transfer Credits

Credits accepted for transfer are counted as credits attempted for purposes of the completion rate, but have no impact in the calculation of CGPA.

Re-entry for Students Dismissed due to Failure to Meet SAP

Students who have been dismissed for lack of satisfactory progress may apply to be readmitted as the class schedule permits, after 6 months. Such a student will be enrolled for a probationary semester upon reentry. This procedure only applies to dismissals caused by lack of satisfactory progress. It does not apply to voluntary withdrawals.

University Courses

Course Format

The MS-TCVM, MSIVM-C, MSIVM-E, and DIVM programs are taught in a hybrid format. Hybrid courses require both online work and on-site participation. The cost of transportation and lodging for the onsite portion of a hybrid course is NOT included in the cost of tuition and will be at the students' own expense. Online courses will take place completely online. For details related to each course, please refer to the program curriculum.

Course Assessment

Students are assessed primarily through graded homework assignments, reports, quizzes, and answers to discussion questions using standardized rubrics. Most hybrid and on-site courses include lab activities. In those courses, demonstration of practical competency is also included as part of the student’s assessment. A final examination is also routinely required. Please see the course syllabus for details.

Technology Requirements

Students are required to have access to a computer (either a laptop or a desktop computer) and the Internet (wired Internet connection preferred) for all coursework. We don’t suggest using iPhone/iPad or other mobile devices to watch the lecture videos. The computer must meet the following specifications:

  • Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or a Mac with a currently supported operating system, at least 2.0 GB Memory, 100GB Hard drive.
  • Internet capability (Wired connection preferred)
  • Soundcard, microphone, speakers, and webcam
  • Current popular Internet web browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or MicrosoftEdge, Opera, etc. For Mac system, Google Chrome is suggested instead of Safari.

Online Technical Support

Students may receive technical support by emailing or calling 800-860-1543 x. 110. The students’ email will be answered in approximately two business days. The Executive VP supervises the technical support. Students may file complaints to the Executive VP if needed.

Online Academic Support

The students can receive academic support by emailing or submit an academic support ticket Students’ emails or academic support tickets will be answered by a Teaching Assistant who holds a DVM degree and TCVM certifications within approximately two business days. The students can also submit questions or start a discussion on the online class discussion group with peers and the class moderator, a Teaching Assistant who holds a DVM degree and TCVM certifications. The President supervises the academic support. Students may file complaints to the Executive VP if needed.

Online Learning Resources

Students at Chi University have access to physical library reference material on the campus as well as online library resources through Library Information Resource Network (LIRN). Faculty and students are encouraged to recommend additions to the physical and electronic holdings to grow the collection. As the university grows, it will continue to expand its library and information literacy resources.

Hours of Operations

The hours of operations are as follows:

  • M-F 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Student Policies

Student Integrity and Academic Honesty Policies

All students at Chi University are expected to meet the highest standards of integrity in the performance of their academic work. The Standards of Academic Integrity forbid such conduct as the giving or receiving of unauthorized help in examinations or assignments, plagiarism and other undocumented use of source material, copyright law violations, and forgery. Each student’s work must be responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented. Regardless of whether or not the attempt is successful, any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest. Students are also expected to maintain a high level of respect toward the speakers and each other. In all courses, students must show respect for faculty and peers including writing discussion posts that are pertinent and not inflammatory, as well as responding professionally in their critiques of other students.

A violation of the Academic Integrity policy includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cheating: using unauthorized materials or receiving unauthorized assistance during an examination or in connection with any work done for academic credit
  • Plagiarism: taking the work of another and offering it as one’s own without proper acknowledgement of the true source, whether that material is paraphrased or copied in verbatim or near-verbatim form
  • Unauthorized collaboration on a project, homework, or other assignment unless otherwise allowed by faculty
  • Sharing, selling, or buying information related to graded learning activities
  • Using faculty feedback for another student as the basis for an essay response
  • Resubmitting a paper that has already been submitted for another course
  • Falsifying information
  • Accessing or using unauthorized materials (electronic or print) and/or websites
  • Use of an alternate, stand-in, or proxy during an examination

The academic community regards breaches of academic integrity as extremely serious; students who do not comply with Chi University’s academic integrity obligations will be penalized in accordance with the severity of their offense. Sanctions imposed may include, but not be limited to, any one of the following: an official reprimand; a requirement to repeat an assignment, an examination, or course; a failing grade for an assignment, examination, or course; suspension; or expulsion from Chi University.

In addition, violations that include acts of copyright infringement can include both civil and criminal penalties. Copyright infringement is defined as the act of unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution of copyrighted material, including peer-to-peer file sharing and downloading. Students found guilty of infringements may be subject to damages or fines and/or imprisonment. For more information, please see the website of the US Copyright Office at Chi University uses Unicheck (a plagiarism detector) if faculty suspect a student is not submitting original work. Students are encouraged to contact faculty for questions on proper citation.

Note: Chi University reserves the right to investigate alleged violations and enforce disciplinary action as it deems fit. Students that are not satisfied with the outcome of any school decision may file a student grievance.

Academic Respect

Students are also expected to maintain a high level of respect toward the speakers and each other. In all courses, students must show respect for faculty and peers including writing discussion posts that are pertinent and not inflammatory, as well as responding professionally in their critiques of other students.

Student Verification

As Chi University offers a hybrid program, a student’s identity is verified when the student is on campus on an as-needed basis by review of a government issued identification (ex: driver’s license, passport); therefore, students are expected to keep identification on them at all times while on campus. Student identity is verified for online work when the student enters their unique login and password information as required to access the portal. Specific online exams are proctored by Proctorio, an automated online service. Proctorio also validates students’ identities throughout enrollment.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Chi University allows students access to their educational records. These records include all information maintained by the school which is directly related to the student, with the exception of the financial records of their parents and educational records containing information about more than one student. Chi University permits access to that part of the record that pertains only to the inquiring student. Student records are confidential and, other than to the student, only such agencies or individuals authorized by federal law in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act are allowed access without express permission by the student through a records release form. These records are left on file indefinitely. Directory information, however, may be released to valid inquiries unless the student specifically requests in writing that this information not be released.

In addition to FERPA compliance, Chi University does not allow faculty to discuss or post grades in the public areas of the LMS. Confidential information is only shared with students in areas that are password protected.

Grievance Policy

School faculty and administration work with each student to resolve the issues a student may have. Every student is encouraged to discuss his or her concerns or complaints with faculty or staff most able to assist the student in resolving the matter. If, however, the student is not satisfied with these efforts then the student may pursue a formal review by following the grievance procedure as follows:

  • Submit a formal complaint in writing (mailed to 9650 W. Highway 318, Reddick, FL 32686) or via email ( to a school official describing the basis of the complaint in sufficient detail to allow the Campus Director to begin an investigation
  • The Campus Director, or a designee, will schedule an appointment with the student within three (3) working days to discuss the complaint
  • The Campus Director will confirm the completion of the investigation with a written report of the disposition of the complaint emailed to the student within five (5) working days of meeting with the student
  • If the student is not satisfied with the Campus Director’s report as to the disposition of the complaint, the student may appeal the result in writing via email to the President within ten (10) working days. The appeal letter must include a copy of the disposition report and an explanation as to why the student is not satisfied with the outcome
  • The President will review the disposition report and the student’s appeal letter and will conduct any further investigation necessary, including requesting additional information from the student
  • The President will provide both the student and the Campus Director with a written decision via email within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the appeal letter. This written decision is the final disposition of the complaint

Students not satisfied with the final disposition of the grievance process may contact the following entities:

Out-of-State Distance Education students, who have completed the internal institutional grievance process and the applicable state grievance process, may appeal non-instructional complaints to the FL-SARA PRDEC Council. For additional Information on the complaint process, please visit the FL-SARA Complaint process webpage at

The above process does not limit or prohibit a student from enforcing any contractual legal rights or remedies.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

This Act (ADA) was enacted to extend to otherwise qualified individuals full access to all aspects of public accommodation, including education. The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Chi University’s facilities have been designed with accommodations for the physically disabled. The ADA is a positive piece of legislation and Chi University readily complies with all of its provisions. To prevent discrimination, educational services must:

  • Be provided in an “integrated setting” if possible
  • Make “reasonable accommodations” unless a modification would result in an undue hardship to the institution or a fundamental alteration of the services provided
  • Furnish auxiliary aids and services when necessary
  • Remove architectural and structural communication barriers in existing facilities when readily achievable
  • Provide readers, note-takers and tutors as required

The Chi University is not required to provide:

  • Personal devices such as wheelchairs
  • Individually prescribed devices (e.g., glasses, hearing aids)
  • Services of a personal nature (e.g., assistance in eating, dressing or toileting)

Extra charges to cover accommodation may not be made. All individuals involved in recruiting, training and serving students must ensure that students be admitted, trained and serviced equally with no discrimination for disabilities. All efforts should be made to find cost effective ways of accommodating students with disabilities. Applicants and students who are disabled should contact the Student Administration Office for a request for accommodations form. All completed forms should be returned directly to Lisa Trevisanello, Academic and Administrative Director, by mail (9650 W. Highway 318, Reddick, FL 32686) or email (

In addition to submitting a request for accommodation form, students will also be required to submit appropriate supporting documentation so that the institute can determine suitable and reasonable on-site and online accommodations to fit their needs.

Additional Qualifications for Acupuncture

In the state of Florida, only licensed veterinarians can perform acupuncture on animals. The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Program (Masters) does not qualify a graduate of the program to perform veterinary acupuncture without the appropriate licensure to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine in Florida.

Admission Policies

Non-Discrimination Policy

Chi University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Mrs. Yanru Zhao, MS, Vice President

Chi University, 9650 W Hwy 318, Reddick, FL 32686

1-800-860-1543 ext. 104

Chi University complies with anti-discrimination policies of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations.

Conditional Admission

Students applying for admission to Chi University may be conditionally admitted (degree programs only) if all the required documentation has been received, except for official transcript. Students admitted under a conditional status may register for course in their initial term of admission only not to exceed 12 credit hours. Students must submit all missing documents to complete their application prior to the end of the first term or they will be withdrawn, and no academic credit will be given. To register for subsequent terms, students must be unconditionally admitted to their program of study. Students conditionally accepted are not eligible for any form of financial assistance, and students withdrawn for failure to supply required documents are responsible for all tuition and fees costs.

Non-Degree Seeking Course Enrollment

Veterinarians and veterinary students wishing to earn Master’s credit may do so by enrolling as a Non-Degree Seeking (NDS) Student in a master’s level course. Applicants interested in enrolling in a Master level course must demonstrate they meet admissions criteria for enrolling in the Master program, and must meet all course pre-requisite requirements. Single course attendance is subject to course and seat availability.

All NDS Students must submit an application prior to registering for a graduate level course.


A student’s notification of cancellation may be conveyed in any manner. A student has five (5) business days after signing an enrollment agreement or similar contractual document to cancel enrollment. Students who utilize the cancellation privilege will receive a full refund of all monies paid within 10 business days.

Tuition & Fees

Assessment of Student Tuition and Fees

In addition to the cost of tuition, additional fees may be assessed as laid out below:

Wire Transfer Fee

A $25 non-refundable fee will apply to all payments of tuition made via wire transfer.

TCVM Certification (Optional)

Students may be eligible to earn certification in the below modalities at their own expense, should they choose.

  • Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA): $350
  • Certified Veterinary Chinese Herbalist (CVCH): $250
  • Certified Veterinary Tui-na Practitioner (CVTP): $150
  • Certified Veterinary Food Therapist (CVFT): $150
  • Certified TCVM Palliative and End-of-Life Practitioner (CTPEP): $150
  • Certified Canine Rehabilitation Veterinarian (CCRV): $350
  • Certified Veterinary Medical Manipulation Practitioner (CVMMP): $350
  • Certified Equine Rehabilitation and Performance Veterinarian (CERPV): $350

Payment of the above listed fee includes a formal certificate shipped to your preferred address as well as a listing in the TCVM Practitioner Directory as being certified in the respective modality. Additional printed certificates requested will be subject to a $15 reprint fee. As a minimum exam score of 75% or higher is required for certification, the cost per exam retake is between $100 and $150, depending on the exam. Please note, exam retakes will not affect the student's final score in the respective course.

Official Transcripts

Printed official transcripts can be requested by the student for $10 per copy.

Diploma Reprint

Students requesting a diploma reprint of their earned degree are subject to a $60 fee plus the cost of shipping.

Expedited Shipping

Students requesting expedited shipping will be responsible for any additional expense of what it would cost for standard ground shipping.

Printed Notes

Course lecture notes can be provided in the form of a hardcopy binder, upon student request only, for a fee of $50 per binder. Electronic PDF lecture notes will be automatically provided to all students free of charge.

Return Fee

If a student withdraws from a course during the drop/add period, the student is responsible for returning any course materials that were shipped (if applicable) within 3 weeks of the date of withdrawal; otherwise, a $25 non-refundable fee will apply.

Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) (California Residents ONLY)

Effective April 1, 2024: California Resident STRF assessment fee is zero dollars ($0) per $1000 of institutional charges. For institutional charges of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or less, the assessment is zero dollars ($0). The assessment shall be collected for the entire period of enrollment, regardless of whether the student pays the institutional charges in increments. Chi University will collect this assessment from each eligible student at the time it collects the first payment at or after enrollment.

Financial Obligations

All financial obligations to Chi University must be met prior to any degree, transcript or certificate being issued.

Traveling Costs

Classes that are listed as hybrids include an on-site component, also known as an “executive week.” Students must pay for and arrange their own travel and lodging during these on-campus sessions.

SAP Charges

If it is determined that a student should have been withdrawn at the end of the prior semester for failure to maintain or regain SAP, he or she will not be charged for the new semester.

Withdrawals & Refunds

Students choosing to withdraw from their program of study must notify Chi University in any manner of their intent to withdraw. If the student withdraws before the end of the one-week drop/add period, the student will be refunded all tuition for that semester. The drop/add period ends one week after the start of class. Any supplies or equipment, such as charts, needles, and other educational supplies purchased from Chi University that are unused may be returned within 30 days of purchase for that semester and funds will be returned. If the student withdraws after the one-week drop/add period, no refund will be issued.

Chi University permits its students to purchase textbooks directly from the publisher with a commensurate discount. The decision, therefore, as to whether a student can obtain refunds for books is dependent on arrangements made at the time of purchase between the student and publisher or book vendor.

Tuition refunds will be made within 30 days of the date of termination of a students’ enrollment. In calculating the refund due to a student (the last date of actual attendance by the student) is used in the calculation unless earlier written notice is received.

A student will receive a total refund of tuition and fees if the student cancels his or her enrollment before beginning the semester or withdraws from a course prior to the end of the one-week drop/add period. Furthermore, tuition and fees will also be refunded in full for the current term under the following circumstances:

  • Course(s) or Program(s) is cancelled by Chi University.
  • The student is called to military duty.
  • The documented death of the student or member of their immediate family (parent, child, spouse, or sibling).
  • Illness of the student of such severity or duration as documented in writing by a physician, where completion of the period of enrollment for which the student has been charged is precluded.
  • Exceptional circumstances with approval of the Chi University President or official designee.

All monies will be refunded if the school does not accept the applicant or if the student cancels within five (5) business days after signing the enrollment agreement and making initial payment. Following the five (5) business days for cancellation, all admissions and optional service fees are non-refundable.

A sample refund calculation can be found below:

Course tuition is based on the number of credit hours multiplied by the cost per credit hour ($385) plus any applicable lab fees.

If a student registers for MTM4710 Veterinary Acupuncture Level 1 (3.5 credit hours), the cost of tuition would be $1,347.50 plus $1,743.00 in lab fees for a total of $3,090.00. If the student withdraws from the course after paying tuition and prior to the end of the drop/add period, the student would be due a full refund. In all cases where a student is due a refund the following calculation is performed:

(credit hour x cost per credit hour) + applicable lab fees = total refund amount.

Based on the provided example and calculations, the student would be refunded a total of $3,090.00 and the university would retain $0.