Adriana González del Valle



Dr. Adriana González del Valle is an Equine Veterinarian specializing in Sports Medicine, with 11 years of international experience in equine practice. Originally from Barcelona, Adriana graduated in 2013 from the Alfonso X El Sabio University in Madrid.

After graduating, she spent several years (2013-2017) undertaking further training at an equine hospital in Madrid, rotating through internal medicine, diagnostic imaging, surgery, anaesthesia, and the laboratory. During this period, she also completed externships in France (CIRALE, Normandy), the USA (UC Davis, California and Hagyard Equine Medical Institute, Kentucky), and Mexico (UNAM, Mexico City), where she gained further experience in diagnostic imaging and orthopaedics – her main areas of interest.

In 2018, Adriana returned to CIRALE in France for an Assistant role, working closely with eminent sports medicine specialists. This position provided her with extensive experience in lameness and poor performance workups. In 2019, she joined Rossdales Diagnostic Centre in Newmarket, UK, as an intern in diagnostic imaging and orthopaedics.

Adriana's last academic achievement was completing the Equine Acupuncture Track at Chi University in Florida, USA. Today, she works as an Equine Veterinarian and Acupuncturist, specialized in Equine Sports Medicine and Poor Performance. Her goal is to continue building a solid foundation in Equine Sports Medicine, Orthopedics, and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM).